June Match Maker

June Match Maker

Big Brother Michael and Little Brother JahWho would’ve thought having a big brother would be this life changing. Micheal and Jah have beenmatched for a little over a year now, and since day one they hit the ground running. Being their MatchSupport specialist has...
May Match Maker

May Match Maker

Meet May’s Match of the Month! We are proud to share one of our newer matches between Lidia and Muriel. Their journey hasjust begun but due to the positive attitude demonstrated by Muriel it is evident their bond willcontinue to grow as time passes. Lidia is an...
April Match Maker

April Match Maker

Katie was matched with her “Little” Lakayla (Kayla) in October of 2020 in the virtual mentoringprogram due to COVID, and they have been together since then.When they were first matched, Kayla was in the 4th grade, and Katie was a freshman at HPU.Katie has always been...