Big Brother Michael and Little Brother Jah
Who would’ve thought having a big brother would be this life changing. Micheal and Jah have been
matched for a little over a year now, and since day one they hit the ground running. Being their Match
Support specialist has been nothing but amazing. When talking to Micheal and Jah I see the excitement in
each of them. They support each other and push each other like no other. Micheal lets it be known that Jah
has a huge support system at home, but he has the pleasure of being the bonus support in Jah life. Their
relationship started to form a little bit after life started to get back normal after COVID, but they let
nothing affect their relationship from flourishing.
Jah is such an amazing, shy, outgoing, and positive young boy. He is very eager to try new things, which
always makes it exciting to see him. He does really well with pushing himself in school, and making his
parents proud with his grades. Micheal helps him grow in all areas across the board, and we can’t thank
him enough for being an amazing BIG BROTHER.
Words of Micheal : “ I wasn’t sure what to expect when I became a big brother last year. I met Jah in
March of ’23. He was very quiet and well behaved. We started throwing frisbees, footballs, and even
flying a kite. He loves sports, and it wasn’t long before we became good friends. Jah is one of the smartest
eight year old’s I have ever met. He picks things up very quickly, especially electronics. We are both
looking forward to the warmer weather so we can go swimming. He is always happy to see me and that
makes being a big brother all I could hope for.”

-Match Support Specialist Shadaijah Payton