Genesis and Maggie have been matched in our Site Based program since November 2014 and they have been growing their friendship every week since. Maggie visits Genesis at Oakview Elementary. When they are together, Genesis and Maggie always have a good time. Some of the activities they enjoy doing together are eating lunch together, playing board games, drawing, coloring and talking. Genesis stated with a big smile, “My Big sister Maggie has helped me improve my grades. I used to make C’s and D’s and now I am making A’s and B’s. I enjoy her friendship and she always makes me feel better, she is always encouraging and she is fun.”

Maggie was motivated to become a Big Sister because she loves to volunteer and work with children. Maggie has provided friendship and help at school, she has helped her with fractions and last year during art class she has encouraged her that her artwork is beautiful.

Maggie has described the best part she likes about her little Genesis is that “she is always so happy to see me and she treats me as if I was her real big sister. She shares with me everything that’s going on in her life and everything that has happened in the past week.”