November Match Maker

Lacey and Lixi have been matched since November of 2013. Lixi was in fourth grade at the time and was pretty shy at their first meeting. However, it didn’t take long for Lacey to pull Lixi out of her shell and the two of them began talking more and having fun at...

October Match Maker

Jasmine and Jackie have been matched since 2013. Jasmine is in the Life Skills class at Johnson Street Global Studies and is hearing impaired. However, nothing prevents this match from having fun on a weekly basis. They love to play games together and Jasmine loves to...

September Match Maker

Troy recently attended a dinner surrounded by friends and supporters to celebrate his birthday, his graduation from college and his acceptance into the Army. It was a great night of laughing, smiling, and a little bit of good-hearted teasing towards Troy. This night...

August Match Makers

Jasira is a 4th grader who lives with her mother and younger sister. She loves school, being outdoors swimming, and amusement parks. Jasira is very courageous and has to take asthma treatments regularly. That doesn’t stop her from being so outgoing, energetic, and...

July Match Makers

Join Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Piedmont in celebrating the high school graduation of our very own “Little” Josh! On June 16, he graduated from Page High School! Over five years ago, Frank officially entered Josh’s life as a Big. It’s not that simple...

June Match Makers

Ahmad was 6 years old when he became Matt’s Little Brother in 2008. Ahmad’s Mother wanted him introduced to a positive male, who could encourage Ahmad to be more assertive, confident, as well as trying new things. They like going to the movies, baseball, and...