The Little Moments: Platinum Sponsor -$10,000
- Will serve as a sponsor at The “Big Winterfest” Gala
- One table with reserved seating for eight guests
- Full-page ad in our event program
- Seated with special guests from program
- Will be recognized during the event
- Recognition on the “Big” Screen during the event
- Name and logo included in event promotional advertising, signage, printed material, and media releases and the front page of the website
- Sponsor tents will be placed at each table
- 10 matches will be made in your honor
The Little Moments: Gold Sponsor – $5,000
- One table with reserved seating for eight guests
- One-half page ad in our event program
- Will be recognized during the event
- Recognition on the “Big” Screen during the event
- Name and logo included in event promotional advertising, signage, printed material, and media releases
- 5 matches will be made in your honor
The Little Moments: Silver Sponsor – $2,500
- One table with reserved seating for eight guests
- One-quarter page ad in our event program
- Will be recognized during the event
- Name and logo included in event promotional advertising, signage, printed material, and media releases
The Little Moments: Bronze Sponsor – $1,500
- One-third page ad in our event program
- Sponsor signage at the event
- Will be recognized during the event
- Reserved seating for six guests
The Little Moments: Friend Sponsor – $500
- Recognition as a Friend Sponsor in event program
- Will be recognized during the event
- Reserved seating for two guests
To become a Sponsor contact Krista Johnston: or 704-576-3772