Bowl For Kids’ Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters’ signature fundraiser. Each year half a million people across America come together to have fun and raise money to support Big Brothers Big Sisters as we change how children grow up! Bowl For Kids’ Sake is the perfect way for individuals to make an impact on our community – it only takes a little bit of effort to raise the money that is vital to our program’s success.
As a “thank you” for your support and enthusiasm, Big Brothers Big Sisters host a celebratory party at your local bowling center. No bowling expertise is required, only the willingness to share in our heartfelt and sincere thanks for helping us transform our community.
Big Brothers Big Sisters depends on donations to conduct background checks on volunteers to ensure child safety; and provide ongoing support for children, families, and volunteers to build and sustain long-lasting relationships.
Your role in this effort to help local children cannot be overstated: We need your help to raise community awareness of the challenges faced by local children and to ask for the financial support need to help change the trajectory of a child’s life.
Mark Your Calendar for our Annual Bowl for Kids’ Sake Event on Saturday, May 18th at Spare Time!
If you would like to participate in the 2019 event, by bowling or sponsoring, please contact Krista Johnston at krista@bbbscp.org or call at Big Brothers Big Sisters at 336-378-9100 to reserve a lane and a bowling time. You can sign up as an individual bowler or a 5-person team, or you can even sponsor a lane. Each bowler is encouraged to obtain $100 in pledges. It’s easy! Just ask 10 people to sponsor you for $10 each and it adds up fast. Tell your sponsors they can donate online. If your team raises over $1500, everyone on that team will get a BBBSCP jacket. If you raise a $1000 and over you will be put in a raffle to win a BIG prize for your whole team! All participants raising a minimum of $200 will receive a Big Brothers Big Sisters T-shirt We will place orders the day of Bowl for Kid’s Sake!
In addition to benefits listed below Tournament sponsors receive:
- Five bowling teams
- Premier placement of logo in all materials
- Recognition as an agency supporter not just an event sponsor throughout the year
In addition to benefits listed below League sponsors receive:
- Three bowling teams
- Company name mentioned in all media information and press releases concerning the event
- Recognition in email blasts to Bowl for Kids Sake Participants
- Space on a display table at the bowling alley to distribute materials and/or product
In addition to benefits listed below Strike sponsors receive:
- Two bowling teams (Team of 5)
- Recognition on BBBSCP Facebook and Twitter Pages
- Company logo and link on agency website that averages 2,000 monthly pageviews
In addition to benefits listed below Series sponsors receive:
- One bowling team (Team of 5)
- Big Brothers Big Sisters t-shirt for each Bowler
- Company logo on pledge forms and Registration website used by bowlers (more than 1,000)
- Company logo displayed on banner on one Lane at all Bowl events
Receive benefits listed below:
- Company logo on shared poster with other Pin Sponsors at all Bowl even
- One bowling team (Team of 5)
The Team Goal is $500 with a maximum of a 5-Person Team. All participants raising a minimum of $200 will receive a Big Brothers Big Sisters T-shirt, the game you bowl, shoe rental and food and beverage. Raffle Drawings for Bowlers who turn in their money early or day of.
All money raised during this Bowl For Kids’ Sake event is for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Piedmont and the communities our agency serves.