Meet Iker and Antonio! Iker and Antonio were matched just over three years ago on December 12, 2018 when Iker was just a first grader! Almost immediately, these two became best buddies. Iker and Antonio have never been at a loss for words or for a “good time.” Iker’s teacher comments on how Iker is so happy before and after his visits with Antonio. Iker’s family shares their appreciation of Antonio and how he demonstrates a genuine kinship with their son. They are so grateful that Iker and Antonio were matched together. Iker’s face lights up the second Antonio’s name is mentioned. He feels lucky to have a Big Brother in Antonio. Their activities and experiences together have never been repeated. They enjoy sports, doing arts and crafts, playing board games, attending basketball games and even shopping together.
As for being Iker’s mentor, Antonio takes his role seriously. He states that, “My experience with Big Brothers Big Sisters has been extremely valuable. I have not only developed leadership and role model skills, but I have been able to impact Iker’s life in a positive way just as my Little (Iker) has impacted mine. Being a “BIg” has given me the opportunity to help Iker grow as an individual and as a student. My goal is for him to never set limits on the things he can do in his life. BBBS has given me the privilege to lead my Little down the right path, and I take full advantage of it and do it to the best of my ability.”